A platform where individuals present, interact, and debate topics created by a unique contributor community. Our purpose is to facilitate the creation of politically based topics to prompt public engagement, thus providing an opportunity for thoughtful and respectful discourse. The product of these interactions will broaden perspectives and enrich the understanding of key topics in society and the world today.

Our POLISCI Contributors produce the main topics for discourse and are defined in the following two ways:

  1. They are students pursuing a bachelor`'s, master`'s or doctorate degree in Political Science
  2. They currently work in the political field in some capacity. This includes, but is not limited to, Political Consultants, Think Tank employees, Local, State, and Federal Legislatures, DC Interns, Media personnel (Journalists and Reporters, etc.), Professors, and Lobbyists.

The range of topics is limitless and categorized based on subject matter. Topics could involve an upcoming SCOTUS case, a summary of a recent POLISCI class discussion (Bring the classroom to the masses!!), a position paper presented in a POLISCI course, a media reaction, an opinion about a candidate running for office, a bill introduced in a legislative body, general summary and opinions surrounding affirmative action, racial divide, POTUS stuff, income inequality, environment, foreign affairs, the role of government, party affiliation, and other hot topics.

POLISCI will always maintain a politically neutral position. We will approach this methodically and deliberately to generate optimal topic creation from a diverse and vast contributor population.

POLISCI will be a place for thoughtful, yet rigorous and passionate debate. An atmosphere built on decorum will always lead the way. “Craziness” “and “Conspiratorial” viewpoints will not be tolerated nor allowed to exist on this platform.

We are welcoming of all - all who want to contribute in a meaningful and productive way.